
October 28- November 25
Mona Mark, a native of New York City, received her BFA from The Cooper Union, her MFA in philosophy from the New School For Social Research and taught at the School of Visual Arts.
Her Images have a power and simplicity that reflect the stark beauty of Tunisia’s natural light. The economy of these images exemplifies her vision; an artistic vision which explores visual language.
Through series and multi media she reduces the complexity of her experience to simple forms as she continues her ongoing investigation of the relationship between man and nature.
December 2 – February 2
In 1996 artist Mona Mark traveled
to San Francisco to work with
SAGE:Standing Against Global Exploitation.
The photographic portraits on exhibit represent
one portion of her series on Ex-Prostitutes,extraordinary women
who have managed to get out of prostitution and become active
members of their communities with the help of organizations like
SAGE. Mona Mark met Norma Hotaling,director of SAGE
in Beijing,China where the photographer was
working for UNESCO in conjunction with
The Coalition Against the Trafficking of Women.
Mona Mark
518 766 3141
1978 M.A. in Philosophy
The New School for Social Research, Graduate Faculty, New York
1973 B.F.A.
The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Art and Science
One Person Shows
2008. CCCA
Artscape Studio Tour
2006. Joyce Goldstein
One Person Photo, Oil Painting and Watercolor Show
2006. The Gallery at Hudson Hills Realty
One Person Photo Show
2006. CCCA
Art In A Landscape Studio Tour
2003. Flinn Gallery, Greenwich Library
One Person Sillkscreen Monoprint Show
2001. Maison de L’UNESCO, Paris.
One Person Photo show
2000. The Kimmel Center
26 Oil Pastels on permanent display
1997. Women Creators of the Two Seas, Salonika
One Person Photo show
1989-2000. Lincoln Center Avery Fisher Hall, New York.
Fifty Oil Pastels on permanent display.
1989. Gallery Suzanna Sassoun, Sao Paolo
One person Oil Painting and Oil pastel show.
1985. Tenbrooks, New York.
One Person Painting show
1983. Washington Square East Galleries, New York.
One Person Painting show
Group Shows
2009. Sperncertown Academy
Group show
2008. 345 Gallery
Group Show
2007. CCCA
Group Photo Show, Artswalk
2007. Spencertown Academy
Group Photo Show
2007. CCCA Juried show by John Weber – First Prize in Photography
2006. CCCA, Artswalk
Group Show
2006. Zone Chelsea
Manhattan Transfer Show curated by John Weber
2006. Joyce Goldstein
Group Show
2006. Spencertown Academy
Group Portrait Show
2005. North Point
Group Show
2005. Carrie Haddad
Group Show
2005. Richard Sena Gallery
Group Show
2002. MOMA
Group Photo Show, New York
1998. The Cooper Union, New York.
Small works show.
1997. A.I.G.A., American Institute of Graphic Arts, New York
Group Show
1988. Virginia Miller Galleries, Coral Gables, Miami.
Affiliated artist.
1987. G.W. Einstein Gallery, New York.
Group show curated by Peter Frank.
1986. The New Museum, New York.
Artists and Collectors Open House
Restaurant Associates, Lincoln Center, New York.
The Dime Savings Bank, New York.
The Boston Ballet Company, Boston.
L’Oreal Lancome, Paris
Delta Consulting Group, New York.
Croidon Business International, Canada
Burns Fine Art, New York.
2001. L’Oreal
1997. L’Oreal
1995. L’Oreal
2006-2008. Academy of Art University
2000. Fashion Institute of Technology
1968-1972. The School of Visual Arts